My brother and I were going to be evacuated to Canada to a relation there, but just before we were due to...
My mother, who had left her home town of Barnsley to work in London at 16, had decided to bring her young...
Once in Bangor, my brother Ronald, a friend and I were transported with all the others to a local school...
We both ended up with nits and so did all our friends, mum was so tired and dad was in the army...
I had always assumed the aircraft was a single-seater fighter like the Messerschmitt ME 109, as my Father...
First bombs dropped on Portland — at the outbreak of war we were picnicking in a lay-by overlooking...
There were so many children who had never been away from home before that Colne might have well been the...
Factories were being turned over to making munitions and day nurseries were opened to take any children...
He was stationed at Blackpool and I remember going with my Mum to stay there for a few days before he went...
I was born in 1935 and during WW2 I lived with my parents and younger brother in the village of Burpham,...
My father ran a motor and cats meat business, we lived in New North Road and the shop waas in Queensbury...
My husband had picked a 13 year old girl, Jean, and her 7 year old brother , Tony, to live next door...
My Uncle and Aunt had no children, and I had one older sister, Jean. My maternal grandparents, both in...
His ship, HMS Phoebe, had been torpedoed off Cape Noir in French West Africa and repaired in New York. The...
However, we chose to return to our home in Liverpool before the end of the war, unbeknownst to us; Field...
We now began to feel the meaning of Hitler's threats regarding his rantings about his secret weapons as...
My cousins and I, with a group of other children, eventually arrived at a place in the country which was...
Nearly every night during the bombing, we were pulled from our beds to go down to the Anderson Shelter that...
In the summer holiday which followed, Bruno and I worked in partnership at the nearby Mason's Farm. On...
"Once in the shelter we sat down but we found that all the water had been cut off except in the shelter...
She came to visit me once, and I begged her to take me back to London with her. During air-raids, he...
I was 11years of age, a London evacuee, billeted in a small village in south Devon and was making my way to...