And so in June 1944 after a massive build up the allies returned to France at the beaches of Normandy.At...
When my second daughter was born in April my brother and his new wife came to live with me as they had...
One winter's night my dad ran into one with his car and my mother who was sitting in the front...
Bright lights of Yarmouth and the Bombing of Bradford....
Dark streets,car headlights with metal top hats to restrict the light and bumpers painted white.The buses...
The bombing got worse and David, a young lad who lived next door, helped me to get the children into the...
Germany were now directing their newly developed flying bombs at London and South East England... On March...
My first memory of war was after we had moved a couple of hundred yards down Grange Road into “the...
Towards the end of my time at College, Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia and a lot of talk about war was being...
Too young to fight in the First World War and then too old to fight in the Second, her Father found himself...
I had a younger sister and she was a baby, she had a very big one that my Mum had to fit...
I called them Uncle Fred and Aunt Cis I remember that I slept under the table downstairs, unfortunately the...
On the sunday nightthe Germans came back to blitz Sheffield again, from my grandma's front room, some...
Dad in the mean time had joined the NFS having been released from the obligation of Guerilla Warfare based...
Then sure enough, Henry heard a familiar sound from overhead and he looked up to the sky where, in the few...
The bombings: Lincolnshire had munitions factories and aerodromes. The county was regularly targeted by the...
In January ’42 Franek is accepted into the army and travels to Kraznodzk and then by oil tanker...
We attended the Welsh Chapel on Sundays with Auntie Blodwen and Uncle Tom... Edith remembers her little...
I remember being told that Mum and Dad were going visiting with my young sister and we had to stay at home....
Of course nell was always anxious for news of Frank, and would stand at the front gate, waiting for the...
But then mother had had to get up early to milk the goats, take them out to pasture and tether them, feed...
In January my son Michael was born, Joe was in India and Burma. It took Michael some time to realise who...