The war struck in our district, with a bit of machine gunning by Germans back to their base, a lot were...
The Davies Family at War; Working in the Munitions Factory at aged 14 by Ronald Davies. There was a...
38 Norfolk Road Oxford Road Reading Berks circa early 1940 Dear Lily and Ben, I know you will surprised to...
The first significant war event was the arrival of evacuees from Ilford High School to Ipswich. Reproduced...
Although we feared enemy activity because of the radar station being so near we were extremely fortunate...
I tried to pack some things up, but a man came and told me not to because there was an unexploded bomb...
I married the day after War was declared to a Royal Horse Guard at Clewer Church Windsor I had wanted to...
My siren suit was always there ready and she soon slipped this on me, telling my elder brother to follow us...
. For some reason best known to themselves the Germans started shelling Worthing, so we 12 kids, plus the...
Radio programmes such as Kitchen Front, Elsie and Doris Waters as Gert and Daisy, exhorted housewives and...
Mother came with me on the ferry from Burnham to Wallasea Bay with my bike and we met aunt Elsie there. The...
I said "I want to be like my brother and join the airforce". He said "but you're a...
My mother and her siblings were children when the Japanese occupied Singapore in February 1942. My maternal...
"I came to Blackpool with the evacuees because my father, being employed by Manchester Corporation, had...
The only casualty of the the war in our family was the budgie of my sister. A bomb was dropped near my...
Marlborough Road, Broome Manor Lane, Coate Water, Chiseldon. I used to go down to Coate Water to write a...
I went to the factory with two other girls from Wymondham, Winnie Lister, who still lives in Orchard Way...
On Sunday morning 3rd September 1939 we were piled into the car Mother Father My younger sister and myself...
Dad was at Church, while Mum and I hid under the stairs of our home in Hotwells... Dad came home and...
One abiding caution that remains with me is the empathic instruction not to pick up sweets from there...
Adjacent to the corner of Coronation Ave. there is a large detatched house called 'The Limes', this...
The 'garden fence' talk, for instance, was 'when' never 'if' there's a war,...