Bacon and ham 4oz Sugar 8oz Butter 2oz Cooking fats 8oz Meat....
Children picked rose hips at school for them to be made into rose hip syrup for babies as a supplimentary...
Someone in the country maybe gave the family a present of 陆 dozen eggs or 陆 lb of butter around...
We talked about offal and the various animal parts we ate including Chitterlings, Hodge, Udder, Pigs...
I had a cousin about 3 years older than myself, and her clothes would be passed on down to me, to save...
Occasionally bombs would fall in the Croydon/Sanderstead area, but the chickens appeared unaffected and...
If the local sweetshop had a delivery of chocolate, word would quickly spread amongst friends, and the...
It was commonly believed that German parachutists would land and locate their whereabouts by signposts. We...
Porridge for breakfast, spam for lunch and the occasional egg made up our meals... Dick Barton,Special...
I hated cheese myself, but because she was such a greedy person we sat at the table, my dad and I. My...
Audrey's Wartime Adventures -Part 4: More Oranges - June 1944 鈥淵anks Confined to barracks鈥...
My brother Jim was a commando in the Navy... A bomb dropped and sent all the soot down the chimney, right...
At this time my mother worked in the canteen of Baddersley Colliery where she was the pastry cook....
Towards the end of the Occupation, France was liberated, thus cutting off food supplies to both islanders...
The War was very justified because otherwise Hitler would have ruled Europe....
Wartime was the first time we had seen nylon stockings, brought home by seafarers. Before the war we bought...
Not knowing she was pregnant, Mum joined the Land Army. She requested "Care of Livestock" but was...
We lived next to the Cambridge Hotel, which was very big and had two large car parks.This was where we...
My dad said 鈥淵ou can have three pennorth, the same as everybody else鈥, but the lads home from...
Tinned pears or fruit salad were most common but very occasionally we got what my mother called peaches....
I had a sister in Birmingham and another sister was a Nurse in England, worked in London and her hospital...
We were kept aware of events through daily newspapers and by listening to the one radio in the village... I...