Worse than hell at times So many don't realise Spending a well-earned penny Friends together A real...
I had only just got home when the sirens went and Sheffield was bombarded for nearly nine hours. My wedding...
The tokens were for food, and later for clothing. They started to put tea or a thin mixture of gravy...
WWII — Christina Ray Edminson - My Story Part 3 - Food and Clothes Rationing. Everyone got a book...
I had either chocolate beans which are now called Smarties or my real favourites, floral gums because they...
Things were in short supply and I pushed a pram to a woodpile to collect firewood, in the house we had a...
My eldest brother, who still lived in Yorkshire and was married to a farmer's daughter, would come to...
Eventually, however, she found out that he made his pork sausages with almost as much mutton as pork......
Everybody had smugglers trains going down south, and when they were coming back, the old ladies, they had...
No notice was taken of Dad's pleas so Mum called to see the cook. From then on - when Mum fished...
Our surplus eggs were pickled in isinglass in big stone jars and runner beans were salted in layers in...
We weren't fortunate enough to get the good butter, it was always margarine. My mother-in-law always...
Vera lived in Teversham... Vera wasn't evacuated though some of her friends got evacuated from London...
We received few pieces of fruit and would make our own banana sandwiches by softening the outside of...
I remember Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain announcing that England were at war with Germany. There were...
The Second World War meant that rationing was imposed on the British population, including in Northern...
The Butcher in Ironbridge used to give my mum a little extra suet so she could make some sort of pie. I...
It had the name 'Tottnem Pudding', so it was a valuable animal food supply, it was an offence to...
She used to go round the shops collecting, sometimes begging, for food to feed the children at Barnsley...
The two youngest boys used to wait just inside the door so they could grab them.One thing which hit my...
What you had to do, if you were living at St Martin's, because the Bailiff let us have his son's...
My wife Jean was born locally in Ballyarnet just outside Derry, and can remember at the age of about five...