I got nits and the lady who was over us put paraffin on my head and my bedlinen in disinfectant, so with...
I was a Land Army girl and one memory I have was when my friend and I had a job to do...
I joined the Women's Land Army when I was 21 and was sent to train on a farm in Robertsbridge. I never...
There was a lot of bombing of Birmingham and I was travelling each day from Blackheath to Handsworth....
My brother a regular in R.A.F in 1939, was awarded the British Empire Medal for work on RADAR. My brother...
Sadie, my best friend, became a land girl. Strong lace-up shoes were never meant for dancing With beigey...
I was 16 years old and as a Land Army girl I took over the care of the cattle....
She remember the feeble light of cars in the blackout and can remember the Lancasters flying overhead as...
My uniform came from Womens Land Army, Epsom Road, Guildford, and the first job I had at Norris Castle was...
Mary lived in and 3 bedroom house with her 4 children and land girls. Mary spent lots of time cooking and...
The merchant navy and the land army never got a gratuity at the endof the war... . I remember a black and...
I was with a London girl and we were in logding together,We had lots of fun... One night we descided to go...
I was in the Women's Land Army at the beginning of the war and I went to Swanley Agriculturqal College...
There were about half a dozen Ipswich girls, and a number of Londoners and girls from Yorkshire....
When war broke out I was evacuated from my home in Essex to Ilfracombe, Devon. I was sent to a place in...
I was 14 when war broke out, I went to fry's chocolate factory , that was my first job.After three...
If the threshing machine came to our farm the Land Girls, who invariably got all the dirtiest, dirtiest...
The 4 acre garden was full of vegetables and had a fruit orchard from which, she says, the staff did not go...
Land Army memories — Irene Renvoize....
We all met on station and went to out our hostel, that was the most isolated hostel in East Anglia. It was...
It was pretty quiet, really, although I remember a British bomber crashing on the hills just near us - the...
The last place had beef herds and arable so I did ploughing and sugar beet 'knocking'. I was...