Stories categorised in 'British Army'. These stories may contain references to other themes.
Still I suppose the Italian and desert campaigns were pinning down the German forces and relieving pressure...
It was always thought by the men that we would be withdrawn back to India when we reached Monywa; but with...
There were stories in the newspaper we could now afford to buy about black-clad Romans bombing the...
While the whole B.E.F., with the French 1st Army on their right and the Belgian Army on their left, were...
So, on this fateful Friday, we ‘Three Musketeers’ said a fond farewell to the Council Offices...
Lt Hutchinson had to take out a fighting patrol, to try and get a German prisoner, and he picked his trusty...
The fishing port of Port-en Bessin was set as the dividing line between the Anglo-American armies and was...
Hammocks were the order of the day, and they were slung on brackets over the tables and around the walls....
A short while after the incendiary bombs episode my friend Johnny Simpson and I were walking home very late...
Surrender by the Japanese was imminent, and so was information on some of our futures - I was in a group...
The Italian authorities have supplied me with three ordnance maps of the Biella, Aosta and Ivrea regions...
The British Army was sent to France to defend against the expected German invasion but for months nothing...
At the stroke of a War Office pen three villages Stanford, Tottington and West Tofts to-gether with the...
The zest with which the Squadron performed its patrol duties can best be illustrated by quoting an entry...
Return to the Beach This wasn't as easy as it sounds, after crouching and crawling back down the road...
My understanding has always been that a rhumbatron was a metal tuning device, a klystron was an oscillator...
Big Eric, we had two Sgt. Williams in the Squadron, could not believe that no reinforcements were coming up...
My other four serving brothers were George, Royal Artillery, Jack, Royal Artillery, Joe, Army Fire Service...
The first vehicles to arrive were civil defence vans like Lance Corporal Jones’ butcher's van...
Our host showed us a film of the jungle and the rocky coast line we would have to travel over, as Surabaya...
At the orchard we were told many tales of women snipers, and Banville church spire had sheltered Hun...
Nightmare We drove through a town that was already showing signs of a severe bombing, and straight onto the...
On 16 April my very good friend Leslie Gilbert and I attended a Passover service at the Marittima ballroom...
To France and Belgium, then back to Dunkirk War broke out in September that year, and after a period of...
Well, with the goodbyes all over, it was time to start my military life with a 4-hour trip to Taunton, we...