Stories categorised in 'British Army'. These stories may contain references to other themes.
Fighting our way from Anzio, to the outskirts of a small town, which we initially called 鈥淭he...
If anyone knew our destination they were not telling so supposition led to Aldershot, Wales Cornwall and...
The Evacuation of part of the British Expeditionary Forces between 30 May 1940 to 4 June 1940 at Dunkirk in...
When the Japanese had been driven down the coast our Division was sent back to India to prepare for the...
Happy to be back in uniform When dad left the army and moved with mum to one of the Medway towns in...
Radar secrets In December 1939, I was sworn in as Sergeant Wireless Instructor in the Royal Artillery. I...
An account by my father, Jeffrey Jackson, of his time in Palestine, Transjordan, Lebanon and Syria with...
In late January 1945 my feet became infected with weeping sores which our Medical Officer diagnosed as...
Somehow four of us got separated from the platoon - Snowy Wheatley, Fred Weatherley, Lol Colbrooke and me....
They showed resentment that my eldest brother, who was a regular serviceman, was serving in Palestine,...
Our self-appointed spokesman, who could speak Italian quite well, talked to Mama and when she left he said,...
Taking a packet from her bag she reached up, he opened the carriage door and greatfully took the...
A popular tale was 'The Day He Shot The German'. At dad's funeral, as we waited for the hearse,...
So I had to follow him up through the village, along a track to where the Irish Fusiliers had had a right...
The night of 23 October 1942 was "Monty's Moonlight". A colossal artillery barrage opened up...
He was patched up and continued to serve in Italy driving staff officers at headquarters in Milan during...
A scruffy London urchin, with no money, no family, and no education, becoming an officer and a gentleman....
'40 Hommes ou 8 Chevaux' From there we were loaded on to cattle trucks labelled '40 Hommes ou 8...
When he returned all N.C.O.'s were called together and were told that the Navy were going to make an...
Firstly I was transferred to the 1st W.A. Infantry Brigade Workshops and travelled up to Kano, on the...
I was 11 when the war broke out attending Wembley Hill School and often when the registar was call there...
It was the same barn where Alf TOMBS'story took place. "I was a gunner in the R.A. when I was...
L/cpl Cowell, followed by his sergeant, William Chick, headed towards the minefield. See a photograph of...
Strange as it seems now, my mother's favourite opera was playing, Cavaleria Rusticana, Mascagni's...
Huddled together on the beaches On the beaches we huddled together in the sand dunes for protection from...
As Ground Crew, my first Posting was to RAF Scampton, where 617 Squadron, who later became known as The...