We had just clambered down the netting at the side of the troop ship and when we looked down we had to...
My Dad's War: 1st Northamptonshire Yeomanry...
I watched the 'Holocaust Memorial Day' programme... These poor souls looked pathetic in their...
At the outbreak of the war my father Tommy enlisted into the army, but before leaving his home town he had...
My Great uncle George was caputured many times during the war and most of them were nere an occupied German...
Mu uncle Allen Cooper was awarded the Polish Gilver Cross of Merit 30 years after WW2, here is story....
His story is no different to the hundreds of men that fought in the war, but I would like to honour him...
Walking along the River Rhine embankment at Cologne with the famous Hollenzale-Hollenzale bridge to my...
On the day on which I became 21 & eligible for War Service 23rd July, 1939, my sister Josephine and I,...
If you had a Sergeant from World War One And marched with his son You served with me. If what you sang...
He started out on the first Chindit expedition of 1943 lead by Orde Wingate, I am unsure of the objective...
In Nejmegen, we were in an empty hotel surrounded by woods... When I came back I found that a German bomber...
Apparently some of the British POW's taken in France turned out to be GEordie's and Rommel had said...
Whilst serving in the war in the 65th Search Light Regiment in Norfolk, I had a call out for an emergency....
He wasn't evacuated, instead he was captured by the Germans and taken prisoner....
He was also in Brussels when the bomb he was about to defuse went off and it buried him alive for 2...
After the raid our officer, Lt David Smail, was called out to an unexploded bomb in a garage in the centre...
My late uncle Bill Tyrrell was an officer serving in WW2 in the RA in India at the outbrak of war and...
During the war at the age of about fifteeen my Dad Harry somehow got hold of my Grandad's ration...
DRS was in the 9th Btn B Coy 12th Platoon Cameronians who lost his life 25th March 1945 after the Rhine...
John's uncle Harry was in the Chindits,and this is one of the poems written by the Chindits during...
He never spoke about the war but he did return with some amazing portraits of Burmese "locals"....