One PoW in this morning, a German parachutist and an Italian deserter from Messina en route for Syracuse....
Early one morning after a night duty Dougie and Frank Humphrey made their way up to the grove. Dougie...
Dougie and some mates, Alan Till, Bill Wedderburn, a Londoner and Jock Watt a burly, jovial Aberdonian...
After I had been in Clevelys for about three weeks, I was informed that I was being sent forthwith on a...
Engaged in the office sorting out maps most of the day for the Brigadier's story. Monday 21st May This...
In the event I was hauled before the commanding officer who decided to send me, sticks and all, to Newtown...
We joined where there was a very large monastery not far from the River Maas near Venlo. Each soldier from...
People in story: Kenneth Hulbert, Royal Army Medical Corps Location of story: India and England. Kenneth...
I reported for duty on one particular Tuesday night early in October and was waiting around until my patrol...
This was salvation indeed for Elsie as she stayed with Jim and Jean until the storm abated and she was able...
So I accepted.Life with the Army The position meant that I was responsible for all the U.S. Army Depots in...
The approach to the entrance was crowded with men waiting to be checked in so we boldly marched through...
The Germans were in the North of the town and we were in the South so the Colonel decided to bring us...
On moving up to the Sangro river area we had to travel by night with no lights and only one lorry was...
Our destination was to be a little bamboo village called Mualvuum situated in tribal territory in what was...
We headed back for Egypt but when we reached El Alamein the Germans and Italians made...
The German Army surrendered after being blocked in the peninsular above Tunis. Skirmishes and night patrols...
While at Buchanan Castle a Canadian officer, who had seen Dorothy at the King George V docks at Christmas,...
One of Dougie's comrades let a high-ranking officer through unchallenged. Dougie and Frank now had to...
Eventually Brigade HQ attached us to their staff, from whom we received our orders and rations; we learnt...
Each side of the hut were wooden bunks with straw palliasses the shape of a body and pillows which were...