Shortly after our return from France to Italy it was decided to invade Greece, and in October ‘44 we...
Compared to the Home Guard the University OTC, although staffed by regular army NCOs and having a few...
As we were boarded the Dakota one of the lads asked if we were being issued with parachutes; the Sgt...
To get back training, after learning how to roll, the next lesson was how to roll on landing, by the way,...
We were given a choice of working in a cookhouse or volunteering to join an Ack Ack battery. For some...
Wilfred Ralph Ketland, Gunner in the Royal Artillery, partisan fighter in Poland and Red Army soldier on...
I was out in a boat with soldiers and about 6 ATS to get to Ostend, to catch up with rear 21st...
I can remember standing on the walkway with a Royal Artillery Lieutenant called Williams who subsequently...
During this episode a long canoe came into view with several villagers on it calling across in Burmese not...
Next morning sailing out of the Mersey into the Irish Sea we could see that we were one of ten liners,...
We were three days off Cape Town and the Japs bombed Pearl Harbour so instead of us going to the Middle...
Not long after this event one of the German NCOs went to see Jack Higgin privately and said “I...
Leaving Odessa we marched down to the docks and interrogated by the Russians to make sure only Englishmen...
The snow was falling thick and fast in the weeks prior to Christmas, and the pretty little German town of...
On 28 May the 1st Battalion was involved in an attempt to reduce the bridgehead the Germans had secured...
British, American, Indian,Polish and Russian, men at office desks, in long cabins, at the wheels of river...
Hardwick Hall, being situated on a slope in a large parkland area leant itself towards toughening training,...
Ten RAF wireless and electrical personnel, including me, were given a posting to 22 ASC. It was stationed...
For some reason, he and I became very friendly and perhaps, because of that, I was a bit privileged, for at...
As Libya at that time belonged to Italy we didn't become German POWs, we became Italian POWs. The...