Suddenly one of the guards, along with our German speaking British Camp Leader, came rushing along the...
A lonely little platoon of British soldiers almost lost in the deep, deep jungle of Burma... However the...
We found refugees from Hungary staying at our farm, German deserters hiding in the hay loft, and a troup of...
To the United Soldiers, Sailors, and Airman: Through your combined skill, valour and fortitude you have...
Arthur and Jack, two teleprinter operatives at BAO in the RCS invited me to go with them to the house of...
He said he would be one of my Sergeants in 201 Company Pioneer Corps and yes, I would be alright provided I...
Bishop Auckland was only four mile from Shildon, so we went there on our off duty hours... After a few...
The infantry of the garrison, mostly four Australian brigades, were so weakened by the German assaults at...
When that settled down again we got shipped back to the other side of Italy and went through and finished...
On our camp notice board it said “ If anybody would like to go to TELAVIV for a swim at the weekend...
I spent my 7th birthday on board SS Otranto steaming through the Red Sea bound for a port in England that...
I belonged to the Malta Amateur Dramatic Society and we put on a series of concert parties to entertain the...
Each transport took us to the aerodrome which was about 5 miles from Setif, it was the French Air force and...
Smudger Smith, radio operator with gun loader, Cried out from inside the turret behind me and, through the...
As we left the airfield in Singapore we saw so many of the poor souls who had been imprisoned in Changi...
I spent my 7th birthday on board SS Otranto steaming through the Red Sea bound for a port in England that...
I can distinctly remember looking from the driving compartment of the tank and seeing the German army...
A Petty Officer wren rounded us all up on the second day we were there, like a sheepdog with a croaky...
When I went on to Officer Cadet Training Unit in the Isle of Man — they always pick at a student...
In all that chaos of hundreds of casualties stretched across the whole peninsula so late at night, I had...