They started to wade out towards the boat, Eddie was only 5'7 tall and as the water came up to his neck...
One has to wonder how the Squadron Leader had come to be accepted, but at the time I was just pleased to...
As Japan's army raged through China slaughtering thousands of men, women and children, leaving a path...
Jerry planes came over and dropped flares, the officer gave orders to go to the other side of the road and...
I started work in early September ’39 when I was 15 in one of the largest garages in Brighton, which...
The convoy was bombed by a German plane but my lorry wasn't hit, while the mess wagon that I had been...
In spite of any reluctant sympathy that any of us may have had for Hitler's testicular condition, it...
When he came in he told me that he had been in the Colchester Garrison Officers Club the night before and,...
How she got to know I don't know. They pointed me out to her and as she neared my bed she said...
The Company Commander's boat had sunk too, and the water ahead was dotted with bobbing heads. Further...
In Baythorne End our main job was to patrol the Suffolk coast, because we were expecting our old friends,...
'On the road to Madalay' Submitted by David Kirk 16th October 1944 Regt joined DTP at Monah where...
Are thee serious Titus - dost want thee name put down - cos I'm not laking about lad, once tha...
You had two of these, one for each day, and you had biscuits and one or two things, little tablets for...
I carried Cliff along a dried up river bed, and found it full of German bodies... We'd found a British...
A’ troops Bren was still covering the ramp and footpath and was manned by Cpl ‘Canadian’...
I think perhaps only Bert and I were brewing up; and you and Ted Tirbutt, the wireless-op, had stayed on...
Soon, with your eyes studying the ground for mines and both eyes and ears taking in the positions of the...
Charlie came from the East End of London and was a London bus driver. It was after this that we were told...
This was a most unusual job, we had to report to the Army movements at Le Havre Port in France, we normally...