I suspect that I was the original Silly Boy as per Dad's Army but was part of what was called The...
The work we were doing in Sri Lanka was the same as we were doing in England but the building was on...
2陆 years out in this country, 2 years of sand, sand and more sand and we can have 4 days leave in...
My car had had to go out during the day so I rigged up an extension to someone else's bivvy as well...
Our Dutch friends had driven us to various Cameron battle grounds and taken us to visit various War...
This is a letter from my Uncle Ron to my Grandparents Arthur & Daisy Collins, his parents written a few...
Moville on Lough Foyle was unique: grandstand view of Allied fleets; naval personnel free to land in full...
A GUNNER AND PRISONER OF WAR by Doug Hawkins: Part 3 of 3 - After the Long March, and 60 years on....
There were 3 sittings to every meal held in the great dining room with a map of the Atlantic facing us, a...
1st Battalion the Royal Sussex Regiment which was attached to 4th Indian Division and the 8th Army during...
At this time leave for 14 Army was confined to Calcutta but by some chance a party of 4 of us managed...
I wrote to the recruiting office in Belfast and was enlisted into the Wiltshire regiment, where my training...
Our task was to prevent the enemy escaping from the Arakan through the town Taungup, which was the Japanese...
Now McCulloch's dead of a bug, like Rupert Brooke, and I, like a pie dog, have my tail between my legs....
Whilst maintaing the radar for the Anti Aircraft defences of Cairo I became friendly with a bomb disposal...
One weekend they said you're going abroad, so that weekend I hitchhiked from Ludlow to Bridgnoth which...
In the pouring rain, booted and gaitered, in jungle-green trousers and Garhwali hat, bare-chested and...
The Leicesters took part in the tough 1st Italian Campaign, Harry was wounded for the second time on the...
We were marched, in column, from the town up onto the escarpment, passing, on the way, burnt out lorries...
In the winter we had a football team and we used to play on Eastbourne College Ground, which was known as...