According to my father, who was behind Geordie in the blackness, the sound of Geordie's bayonet jabs on...
We, being ladies, were accommodated first class with officers only, on ‘B’ deck... Reader, do...
The France and Germany Star — not the France and Germany medal... France and Germany Star was a...
Saturday May 9th 1942, the 9th Field Squadron climbed up the gangplank to the Monica Bermuda. The stench of...
It was hilly country about 1,000 feet, 2,000 feet high hills and the Germans attacked and got round us and...
At the end of the war came the occupation of Germany and for me North German Coal control in Cologne......
Within three weeks we were to embark on the first ever mass flight of gliders by the Allies, a 600 mile...
It was during our sojourn in Strassburg, Carinthia, Austria in 1946 when "B"Squadron of the 16/5th...
The following morning I was greeted by my "friend" CSM Wood, told to get my kit together and go on...
The three services, Navy, Army, Air Force, some high ranking, with amongst them Canadians, South Africans,...
So if you want to write to me at all, just add my name on top thus;- W.G. Poynor, E.R.A., Petty...
I asked the L/cpl redcap to bring the MCO and when he saw me he said 'Why didn't you get off'...
We had 200 Italian and German U boat prisoners. One Christmas the Germans told the prisoners they could...
At the age of 16, I worked at Shorts' Sea Plane Factory in Rochester Kent,. Having reached 18 years in...
Life in Motoyama POW camp comprised of near starvation, an ongoing aching gut and ten hour shifts doen the...
During the second world war, I was everywhere- Egypt, Syria, Lebanon- places like that- and then I was in...
With a close friend, who was determined not to become a prisoner of the Germans we managed to escape and...
Aged 6 Evacuation- from Egypt to Palestine and Durban and Home Again to England. The dates stated must of...
Not very long after the British and American forces broke out from the bridgehead in Normandy and the chase...
I returned to my home in Newquay, but was never near Bodmin, and shortly afterwards moved to employment in...
When we arrived at Stake Hill Camp in Rochdale we were met by 3 large military policemen, who made me run...