Having been in Brussels since the February of l945, V E day was soon upon us and during my turn of duty...
A few minutes went by and then suddenly from outside our barrack room we heard we heard the sweetest sound...
The other Japanese stronghold, Fort Dufferin, in Mandalay city, was a great rectangular walled enclosure,...
My dad James O'Rourke will never forget where he was on VE Day, because he was at Buckingham Palace...
Later that same afternoon, "D" Company of the Winnipeg Grenadiers, still under the command of...
When I was fit I was made Driver for the newly established Army Film & Photograph Unit....
Alick was wounded in action in Normandy on route to Les Andeleys, following the river Seine, his regiment...
Then from there I went with reinforcements to the 82nd West African Division in South East Asia: the Burma...
This I did, the exam being taken by Colonel Beamish, of the RAMC, who was in transit with us at the time....
Charlie James served this Country in both world wars, spent a lifetime with the Railways and in February...
If the allied prisoners threw any food they could spare over the wire to the Russians, the German guards...
My two brothers, Jim and Sid, were in the Territorial Army in 1938 and attached to the Royal Army Medical...
His collection of German Military items was acquired when he was stationed in Ibbenbüren in Nordrhein,...
Four of us were travelling to an observation post in an armoured car and a German armoured car sneaked up...
We liked to keep our uniforms smart and starched, even in the jungle so we used rice water. When we were in...
By Ronald Tee of the 56th Reconnaissance Regiment, 78th "Battleaxe" Division of the British 1st,,...
Eventually our Sergeant having once more restored order, apologised to the officer who with a big smile...
In the latter part of the war in Europe 1 was engaged as a cameraman in a special Photographic Unit in 2nd...