While on guard one night on patrol, a water buffalo came out of the jungle at me... On returning to England...
My father's dad, Martin Baird, won medals and commendations throughout his time as a tank driver in El...
He had been taken prisoner April l942 9 May 1945 Dear Jean, When you reply to this it will probably be to...
Before I get to the gist of my story perhaps I should explain to the reader that in the army there are...
Both Battalions selected were placed under the unified command of recently promoted Canadian Brigadier...
At that time the fighting had just finished in Africa, and they were guarding German prisoners,...
I joined the Bootle unit as a cadet and was a bombardier. The cadets trained for the War Certificate A, but...
He said "We can't supply penicillin for the civilian population". I told him, "Look,...
The following night we were off Algiers. General de Gaulle was expected to join the French in Algiers but...
On a NZ Army website I read of the hardened New Zealanders wondering at the youth and naivety of the...
The 23,722 tons liner: the SS Strathallan was built at Barrow-in-Furness and owned by the Peninsular &...
When the war started in 1939 I was only 17 and too young for the forces, so my best friend Tom Boomer...
I climbed over to him to see what had happed and found out he had been hit with a tomato on the...
The first time that the three battalions of Grenadier Guards had ever fought side by side was at Furns in...
My basic training was at Lympstone in Devon, which was shortly followed by my Commando training in Wales....
George's cousin and best friend Laddie had joined the territorials and George had wanted to follow but...
However I then retrained as an Electrician in the Royal Signals and ended up in India on my way to Burma....
A week before the surrender we were bombed and straffed by Russian planes when we were walking towards the...
This story continues as number A7736295 ____________________________________________ … the last two...
The candles were lit and the Port and cigars were passed around the table... If the Colonel was happy with...