There were three cinemas in Catania, the San Giorgio, Teatro Lopo, and the Odeon, all showing...
The day came for our demobilisation and Dicky and I planned to travel together to the channel port stopping...
A number of Bofors Antiaircraft guns were bolted to the deck and were in constant action against enemy...
Just as I got nicely settled in Beirut I got posted, on 20th October, together with Taffy Evans to the...
It must have been winter because it was terribly cold, so when one day a notice appeared on the...
My unit - 鈥淕鈥 Section, No.11 Platoon, 11th.Gloucester Battalion - was very seriously involved...
Depart Ambon for Japan early 1944 via Changi Singapore, Manilla, Formosa. Some of us put into Civilian...
Perhaps my only claim to fame was landing, as a Private, on the Beaches of France on 鈥淒鈥 Day,...
Different Companies of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders did Guard stints and stunts, and operations...
Eventually I, with my two mates Colin McDonald, the Aussie, and Ralph Green, joined a 24 strong working...
The regiment consisted of the CO's regimental headquarters with its specialist officers in A, Q and G...
I returned to Ireland and on my next leave stayed at a hostel in Romford to be near to Audrey. After I...
The Captain entered the office and asked " Have you arranged the Christmas leave?". I replied...
I was just parking my bike when a bomb fell in the road I usually cycle down it blew in to this...
10 鈥 Alec and Joyce Sheppard talk about their wartime: Alec, a trained craft teacher, as an artillery...
They landed in Algiers, Morocco and Casablanca- the aim being to trap the German army in Tunisia... The...
For the whole time from this date until leaving the area on April 4th the Regiment was under Command 2nd...
It did worry us during our short stop over in Germany seeing flights of German bombers passing overhead and...
Like thousands of other prisoners my father was put to work on the infamous 鈥淏irma railway鈥,...
As we reached the road bridge over the River Waal we had orders to strike north up the main road to Arnhem,...
Having trained so hard to master the tactics of going to war by Glider and landing behind enemy lines, I...
We discovered that we would be landing on Juno - Nan Beach, right in front of Bernieres - Sur - Mer, and...