Fred Hirst had been serving with the Sherwood Foresters in Tunisia when he was captured by the Germans....
On 24th February 1947 I went into Hanover Military Hospital Laryngitis and was there until 11th March when...
Lucky escapes Richard had another lucky escape from unexploded bombs in the River Kwai, which are still...
D.Day was our main task and it must have been around the beginning of June 1944 when we the 6th Battalion...
We took the route to Portiers and Limoges and through the Pyrennes, and after several days of nightmare...
1941 — While a student at the school of Art on top of the Public Hall, Barnsley, I was persuaded to...
One day, one of the Medical Orderly's from Kirkburton came to Huddersfield... After my time at...
A Polish soldier, named Joe took a friendly shine to my Nan and was situated next to the door of the ward...
Chest Thirty seven and a half inches Distinctive marks/minor defects Tattoo mark right forearm Age and...
It was in fact Clark Gable, the world-famous Hollywood Actor.It transpired that he was "doing his...
Many air raid shelters were built in Coggeshall where people ran to when the siren went off... Another bomb...
I was put into the REME, and sent to Kent to the 13th Ack Ack Workshop. A German truck was sitting there...
After this Dad spent some time in Wales at the MOD site in Pendine, also in Belfast, before travelling to...
He was then moved from camp to camp until escaping one day when the Italian guards left the camp and found...
Meanwhile our Battery, as indeed all other artillery groups of 42 Div, along with a regiment of medium,...
Clifford Copping was hospitalised for nearly a year during which time he had some skin grafting at East...
Our Sergeant Major was easy going as regards the trailer being coupled up to his lorry provided that the...
Our unit, the 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards, part of the British Expeditionary Force, drove up to Louvain...
On 24th June 1940 I reported for duty along with many others at Bodmin Barracks and was proud to be...
The Germans stationed two 'E' boats just off shore, which were machine-gunning those troops on the...
Norman subsequently served in North Africa travelling by cargo ship via the East coast of US, to avoid the...
I told them I would be a dead loss to them as I was not able to work and they said 'this...