Stories categorised in 'British Army'. These stories may contain references to other themes.
The paper I originally used for the notes was Italian, the pen American and the ink probably German, found...
The first available was the Cunarder Mauretania, soon to arrive in Liverpool at Gladstone Dock. In no time...
When I arrived in November 1944 I was knocked sideway at the Royal Opera's programme for the winter...
We took our share of the enemy shelling and bombing again and during the air raid that night, one German...
The senior volcanologist, Professor Imbo, warned the military authorities at Caserta of the imminent danger...
Well, with tinned food rationed for many years - and rarely seeing the tasty sardines - I ate three tins...
And then far to the rear of the staid old Opera House, from the topmost tier of boxes, an uncouth officer...
In the end, it must have dawned on someone in authority that we were serving no purpose by staying in...
Since I had served my seven years with the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders during WW2 and had finally got...
February 1944 and we were virtually static about one third up the back of the leg that is Italy's...
We went to a place called Noyers crossroads where a German Tiger Tank was stationed... The Falaise gap,...
From one tank which got knocked out Guardsman Charlton took the browning 300 from the tank and faced the...
Some general comments on the subject as seen by the writer in conjunction with others on Reg Batt's...
So in the late evening of the 15th we were once more on the move to take up our positions ready for...
The lads were taking it easy, cleaning the breakfast dishes in the sand, yarning, smoking and listening to...
The climate and dry Normandy roads were not to advantage particularly on one occasion when two recovery...
As night fell the drone of the German planes and the navy ack ack guns gave us a very good firework...
There were swarms of refugees crossing,we had to dive under the bridge for protection as the German planes...
Led by Lieutenant Marsden, who came to take over from Lieutenant Slack and Corporal Freeman from...
Our world then was a happy place, we lived in a small weatherboard house in an inner suburb of Sydney. I...
There were no sliding stones here, but they had bored through into another four-foot high passage which...
When we arrived in the Carroceta Gully, half of us in the Pioneer Platoon, myself included, were detailed...
My driver with Madeleine in the jeep led the way, towing the German car... Shortly before we reached the...
The station was crowded as usual with servicemen and -women from the Army, Navy and Air forces of many...
Almighty God, who rulest over the Kingdoms of the World, send down Thy grace upon GEORGE, Thy Servant our...
The next day they asked for volunteers to take up a position in a house in the front of our own lines,...