The aircrews had given away nothing, not even some of Jock's best oppos like, Rear Gunners, Joe...
Nelson and Rodney. We learned straight away that there were to be twin targets that night - Frankfurt and...
Finally at the end of the West Coast Indian Railway it was off on a ferry crossing to Ceylon. A few days...
Every September there is a memorial service and fly past of Spitfires to commemorate those who flew...
Royal Fusiliers, Training in Florida For Aircrew, Flying Typhoons and Tempests with 3 Squadron and POW in...
SUPPORTING OPERATIONS: ® Diversionary Sweep over the North Sea; ® Berlin; ® Deelen Airfield;...
The squadron had very recently been re — equipped with Lockheed Ventura A/c which was a medium...
All set with Brazilian passport with which to leave the country and a British one with which to enter...
In what was becoming known as 'Jock's Luck', it appeared that, despite all the chaos and panic...
Leuchars was regarded by most R.A.F. types as one of the classiest stations in the U.K. so Jock was not...
In some types the chassis and body are built as one unit. bAN INTEGRAL COMBUSTION ENGINE, with its...
There was the blackout to contend with - there were no street lights, house windows had blackout curtains,...
I was told that with an officer, some wireless operators, cook and drivers, we were to be an advance party...
Bill Stafford's Memoirs 2 – A R.A.F. barber in Normandy after the landings....
Corporal Jock, in mitigation, respectfully suggested that aircraft like the 'Hudson' should be...
There is no doubt that the Spanish civil war and the bombing of Guernica by the German air force a few...
Unfortunately, I learned some days later that LAC Godfrey, the armourer, was included in the list of the 12...
We lost an engine near the target and would have been unable to gain enough height to fly home over the...
As our two oppos were mostly on their own, pushing the Hudson out to the firing range was out of the...
On Palm Sunday, two squadrons of our wing shot down 36 aircraft loaded with petrol and supplies for the...
All over the ship one could hear remarks like "Trader Horn" and "Mr Livingstone I presume"....
Here I joined a crew of three alongside Gib Whittamore Arthur Grifffiths and Ron Diggle manning a Lockheed...