Warrant Officer John James Copley D.F.M. 52125 38 and 7 Squadron R.A.F. During 38 Squadrons first...
Missions from Woodhall Spa I didn't quite get the chop Little humour in adversity Ted Porters Crew The...
We were clearly in trouble but decided to bluff it out as long as possible.Somehow,by means I cannot...
Well we carried on to our next turning point which was to the South of Pilzen but about 7 minutes before my...
We were trained as part of an experiment by AMWD to undertake all elements of airfield construction and had...
At the outset of WW2, at the age of 17 years, Joseph enlisted with the Air Raid Precautions Ambulance...
At the outbreak of World War II he, along with many other servicemen, left Poland to continue the struggle...
I spent the last three years of the war after I had completed my training with 57 squadron as a flight...
During her time at Hemswell Joan met her future husband Dennis Abbott at one of the regular dances at the...
I had been a lorry driver in civilian life and went to an RAF establishment in Blackpool for driver...
In 1942 two new squadrons arrive, no's 61 and 106 Guy Gilson of Dam Busters fame was the squadron...
I understood that I would meet up with a pilot and a wireless operator to form a crew of a Lockheed Hudson...
By Mr J Wolfendale, who was ground crew man with Spitfires at Biggin Hill, a bone of contention for...
On both days we bombed the marshalling yards at Bocholt in Germany. My aircraft was full of holes, my...
Once back in England I finished up in Swinderby. During this time I was with a conversion unit working with...
Sgt Bishop and F/O G M Doolan are buried at the Asniers-Sur-Oise Communal Cemetery, France in Graves 1 and...
On the 15th November of that year the Squadron was disbanded and the Spitfires handed over to the French...
There was the pilot, a wireless operator from Mamties, a rear gunner from Cyprus, a straight navigator from...
I then had 7 days leave and then back to Blackpool to a place called Weeton for an MT course where we...
I was to get involved in two such projects, the first was to deliver a Spitfire to the French Navy to an...
We then moved up to the Burma border to RAF Madhiganj to fly an American dive bomber, the Vultee Vengeance....
With the speed of a gazelle I packed a small suitcase with my minimum wardrobe, carreid my raincoat, and...