The police car with Birdie and the lobsters arrived on the dock... While Birdie was boiling the lobsters...
Note: The Barham must have arrived at Durban having put in at either Mombasa or Dar-es-Salaam. Notes: (1)...
In the days before the start of World War II, under the supervision of my father who was incapacitated, my...
We left Glasgow on July 8 and set sail for Iceland as escort to the Aircraft Carrier, Argus on its mission...
And in Naples harbour on the morning of March 30th, Lt Boyer and I were talking idly about our hopes for...
As each of the three main sea ports had certain units of the Fleet allocated to them, it would mean that in...
In Seattle, re-united with Fred Marley and we learned that we were to stand by during the construction of,...
The destroyer I joined was made up of Anglo, Scots and French Canadians, also a couple of Americans, who...
En route to Scapa Flow, Barham had a disastrous collision with HMS Duchess and was later torpedoed off the...
And the day before we arrived in Cape Town we received a message to say that the other lifeboat had reached...
With the coming of daylight, the Germans had got themselves organised and had brought up his 88’s...
Following a two-month spell at Scapa Flow during the summer of 1940, HMS Barham sailed to Freetown, Sierra...
The Searchlights hit them fair and square The guns crews took their time, The crossed wires on their gun...
Notable amongst the lucky airmailers are Jasu Pitts, Brian Stringer, Nuts Brodrick and Gerald Ellison(2)....
I think Mum was probable one of the reasons dad joined the Naval Shore Wireless Service and was posted, in...
I served for a short time on HMS Dartford with Captain Walkers Group, before finishing my service on HMS...
Eventually I started, about mid July 1939, as a 'Pupil Pilot Officer' at Gatwick Aerodrome....
Singapore to Southampton via Port Said & Gibraltar. Dilwara had been patched up after the collision and...
We started our expedition to the Pacific War Zone in August 1942 from Greenock, Scotland on the troopship...
My first appointment was to the Anti submarine training base H.M.S. Nimrod in Campbeltown, Mull of Kintyre...
Going back to gunnery, we, the Marines, manned only one of the four turrets and Seamen manned the other...
However I found the officer, handed him the letter and returned to the boat, and the next day probably as a...