In March 1944 and with three other MTB's we were dispatched to Gosport, the base for HMS Hornet,...
On the 27th October, 1940 on our way to Canada the MV ALFRED JONES was bombed 250 miles out in the Atlantic...
Every other day we would go ashore and catch the train from Simonstown to Cape Town and we would meet up...
A British AA Battery had previously been established in the neighborhood of Maslinova Cove on the south...
The sound of the aircraft grew louder until I thought it was directly overhead and screwed up my shoulders...
As part of a squadron of Close Support Craft, we took part in D-Day, the squadron was then re-organised as...
In 1941, Joyce Henderson met David Phin, who was an Engineer in the Merchant Navy....
However after passing Trapanj, LCG 8 did establish a contact with the FOO and was instructed to carry out...
The first we hear from Eileen is in a chatty letter that she sent to Norman, who was stationed at Appledore...
The Crew of HMS Picotee - HARRISON,RONALD ARTHUR Lieutenant BRISLAND, HENRY EDWIN Sub-Lieutenant ROBERTS,...
I never served on aircraft carriers but went to HMS Gosling at Warrington and then to Abbotsinch Naval Air...
Unit C would remain to the south east of Trestenico Island at the extreme range of enemy batteries, and...
My father, known as Ike to friends and relations alike, was a postman/sorter working at the Head Office of...
It was a tradition that on Christmas day the youngest member of the crew swapped places with the skipper,...
On receipt of the signal I was sent for and had to see the Captain - Royer Dick and his Flag Lt....
My name is Irene Paterson. I joined the WAAFs in 1942 when I was 17 ½ years old and was stationed with...
He lived with the awful sight of his friend "Soapy Hudson " being shot and killed alongside him,...
We were galloping madly across the Indian Ocean instead of going leisurely ashore in liberty boats because...
1932 — Born and moved to Fairlie. Dad, due to depression, took a job in Kelburn Castle as he was a...
We were briefed on where we were to land, we were Force G and were to land on Gold beach, King,Red. We...
The first memory of WW2 that I have is seeing my father in RAF uniform and my grandfather in his naval...
Although the conditions were pretty grim Alf's experience enabled him to land his troops and get off...