The Chinese crew of the LING YUNG manned the ships end, having been instructed by the First Lieutenant in...
Then, after a short while in Changi Creek in LST 157, we actually went aboard the ship we'd been...
The German radio stations controlling the Battle of the Atlantic were Lorient, R X 脷, and Berlin...
She was laid up for many weeks, and during that time the senior port officer, Commodore Leo Kreisch, being...
I was still in my hammock and stayed there but others who had gone on deck came back with the story that...
We did not celebrate very much as my class knew that as soon as we had completed our course and achieved...
The attack was on the Campbeltown the sixteen M.Ls the M.G.B and the M.T.B then headed for the River Loire...
I went into the Navy and then because of my good educational background, they made me straight away a C.W....
I noted, with some misgivings, slung from our davits, instead of lifeboats, Assault Landing craft, also...
She torpedoed the Soekaboemi and the King Edward, turning to starboard round the leading ship and ran into...
There was the gentle, nonchalant approach with a carefree whistle on ones lips, or the gymnastic approach...
A Destroyer and Aircraft Carrier at War by Jack Taylor Chapter 4, Northern patrol: Troon and Scapa Flow....
British Naval Top Secret Operation - Dutch Landings and Re-occupation of Bali and Lombok - Chapter 2....
We all had to line up on the deck because the Captain was coming to see who we all were, I was...
During the year 1941 I was ordered to the Ministry of Labour office in Devonport and informed that,...
I was at Portsmouth for about 3 months and then I went on HMS Cairo and finished up on the Atlantic...
When we returned to Alex after the last Malta convoy, they transferred quite a lot of ships personnel to a...
We went through the Straits of Gibraltar on the 4th November and arrived in Algiers on 5th November, to...
Merchant ships, usually coal-boats, timber, flour, grain Naval vessels = corvettes, aircraft carriers,...
The order immediately from the bridge was 'abandon ship'. We went to our allotted boats; mine was...
The ship was now under the British Registry and re-named 鈥淓mpire Simba鈥 proceeded in convoy...
The 29th of December 2003 is the 60th anniversary of a rescue that has gone down in Irish Maritime History,...