Stories categorised in 'Royal Navy'. These stories may contain references to other themes.
Sister Dorothy Mary Cole of the Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service joined HMHS...
When he was old enougth, he joined the Royal Marines and went to Lympstone for training.After,he was in...
The convoy was to be escorted by the 42nd Escort group under Comander LF Durnford-Slater RN in HMS Weston,...
Sixty years on, Jim still misses his brother, Albert, and can never forget the last time he saw him back in...
HMS Brilliant then signalled the troopship Leopoldville and the other vessels to commence zagging, a...
On D-Day he skippered an LCM onto Sword Beach, repeatedly landing troops and equipment ashore....
HMS 'Bedouin' in the Mediterranean "In June 1942, 22-year old Sherard Manners was 1st...
When we went into action, we fired 1150 rockets to strafe the beach before the landings....
On arrival at Plymouth, Bellona was fitted with equipment for jamming the radio signals that controlled the...
Offensive actions of the British MTB 439, MTB 441, MTB 443, MTB 444 and MTB 455 were spotted by German...
Prior to reaching Cape Town the ships newsheet announced Montgomery had launched his offensive against the...
Sixty Four years to this very day the pride of Adolf Hitlers navy went to the bottom of the North Atlantic...
1943/4 HMS Vega East Coast Convoys, qualified as Petty Officer AA2 Whale Island. Took passage to Colombo on...
05:42 on June the 6th 1944 I left my troop ship the LSI HMS Princess Astrid and piloted my landing craft...
Sibyl worked as secretary and minute clerk at Skegness Town Hall, and in her spare time she worked with the...
Then one evening an officer representing the Royal Navy's entertainment unit went to see one of Uncle...
When all was satisfactory and the Captain had given his approval we steamed off to Malta, Italy and the 8th...
As an Able Seaman, he had set sail from Wallsend on the Tyne on board HMS Dorsetshire. Finally, after 30...
It was a dark bitterly cold frosty Monday morning when I went to the station with my travel voucher to go...
It was midnight and I was sleeping on the upper deck in my hammock when the Tannoy blared out 鈥淎way...
About twenty naval craft were sunk in Dunkirk bay, but we were definitely let down by the RAF as only about...
Captain Morden was allowed to go up onto the conning tower of the U-boat and, unbeknown to him, was...
The Ministry of Food issued leaflets showing housewives the best way to cook meals and how best to use...
During early 1939 my uncle, Eric Sykes, and his friend, Samuel Kay, worked as glaziers for George G Kirk, a...
I was then drafted to H.M.S. Furious an Aircraft Carrier operating in the home fleet serving in Destroyers...