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15 October 2014
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Archive List > Royal Navy

Stories categorised in 'Royal Navy'. These stories may contain references to other themes.

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In The Shadow of the Hun

Fifteen years later he was serving on the Windsor Castle at the outbreak of WW2....


As he would know Lowestoft's HMS Europa was the main base for the Patrol Service and of course most of...

Memories of life on the HMS London

My name is John Neville Thomas, but my name is Neville... I was a seaman on the HMS London....

Sun,Sea and Sand

Those who remained aboard,mainly from the Engine room Dept, and other Key ratings worked hard to keep the...

Photo Gallery
Royal Navy Photo Gallerylink to gallery

Photos that were contributed with stories in this category.

icon for Story with photoStory with photo

Humiliationicon for Story with photo

Here we see the Japanese High Command led by General Umzu setting off to board the Missouri in Tokyo Bay to...

Naval Intelligence Service.icon for Story with photo

Naval Intelligence Service. After serving in HMS Coventry, he retruned to England and was selected to join...

Arthur Brimfield One of lucky 13 From H.M.S Cape Howe/ SSV Prunellaicon for Story with photo

Phillip seems to remember the names Collins, Suthers, Lee, Stevenson and Giles....


DSM for HMS Unison crewmanicon for Story with photo

My dad received the Distinguished Service Medal in 1943 for his 'leadership, zeal and skill while...

Royal Navy during World War ll

He was drafted to HMS Victory in Portsmouth and from there to HMS Canton, which was an armed merchant...

My (almost) Christening on HMS Lennox

In June 1944 my father was on leave and my Christening was arranged for the beginning of June on the HMS...

Beer Ticket

After returning from strikes we would get our beer ration ticket which purchased two beers which would have...

"The mine"

Told by John McManus to East Ayrshire Library Staff. During the war - travelling was very restricted but...

The Destroyer Express

We Rebuilt an Destroyer called the Express that had been blown apart by a sea mine, It came into the dock...

Antlantic Torpedo

At the age of 13 I was in South Africa as an evacuee .in 1942 the R.A.F posted my Father to the...

Parrots from W Africa

When in dock in West Africa we were able to go ashore and often would be able to buy parrots....

Memories of H Ross

In 1945 I was a sick berth Petty Officer on the hospital shop HMHS Oxfordshire. After VJ Day we arrived in...

The Lost Brother

In 1941 Arthur was sailing on the SS Clan Buchanan to India, when they were attacked and sunk by a German...

Arthur Bradley

He was awarded the Burma Star. After D Day went to Burma and witnessed the 'surrender of Singapore'...

HMS Hood

Douglas was an assistant cook before the Bismark hit HMS Hood... Myself and my two sisters visit the...

They can keep it!

Apart from valueless postage stamps from their post office, the only item available was from the locals who...

My fathers war

My father,Francis John Kane, was born in 1922 and brought up in the Govan district of Glasgow, in what can...

A Christmas card from 1945icon for Story with photo

The picture is of the front of a Christmas card sent by me to my parents from onboard HMS Implacable whilst...

Drafting Office, Far Eastern Fleet.icon for Story with photo

HMS Marne Proclamation

Barbara has the original proclamation given to her husband for crossing the Artic Circle on the HMS Marne....

HMS Sparsholt

On the 13th March 1942, my fathers ship, the Sparsholt,, was destroyed by a stray mine just off the pier at...

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