Stories categorised in 'Women's Royal Naval Service'. These stories may contain references to other themes.
While we waited, we Wrens had various jobs to do, and Laura and I were 'Messengers', taking these...
At the time, General Morgan was working on the plans for the D-Day invasion, so my work was extremely...
I was a supply officer in the WRNS my WRNS officer was very strict but she was good... Our WRNS officer was...
Most of the civilians had been evacuated, but we had a large number of Service Personnel, Wrens, Waaf and...
I was one of Churchill's cypher officers at the Yalta Conference. Three of us were to go to Yalta as...
As a qualified naval driver I was sent to Scotland to ferry Naval officers around in Largs, and...
Extra hours In the spring of 1944, increased numbers of personnel appeared - not only Wrens and naval...
So on Saturday 16th August 1941 I left home to travel by train from Sheffield to Dundee up in Scotland,...
From there I went to Crail in Fifeshire, Scotland where I was a driver and drove the officers around, even...
My remembrance of that time is fire watching with my wee stirrup pump on the roof of the wrenery and...
Special Duties Y Section, WRN I was in the WRNS from December 1942 to April 1946, as part of the Special...
The Orkney Isles — late WW2 Muriel Bacon, ex WREN. I have been nudged to recall my time in the WRNS...
Householders dragged their piano outside for a great singsong and soldiers threw down their coppers for the...
At the time of the Normandy invasion I was drafted to the Chatham dockyard and worked in the Confidential...