Stories categorised in 'End of War 1945'. These stories may contain references to other themes.
We had very few cases of Enemy Activity in Leamington in comparison with places like Coventry and...
Saturday night dances at the Town Hall became a Mecca for them picking up the excited English girls...
They sang their hearts out with many of the war songs particularly the Vera Lynn favourites and London was...
Madame Tournier took me round the grounds and through the sunken garden with flowers of all sorts and...
When the bombing was severe in London, my mother's sister, Ivy, who lived there, brought my cousins...
The Saturday dances in Stockton Middlesbrough and Darlington could become quite riotous at times with us...
The radio was all-important especially ‘Children's Hour’ and ‘Toy-town’ and...
It was unthinkable that we should have it all to ourselves and I think about eight children in the end had...
Written by Kenneth Waterson, telegraphist. As observed from the R Class destroyer HMS Relentless, anchored...
After his extraordinary escape from Norway across the boarder to Sweden, Sugata was put into a Swedish...
We parked close to the Steble Fountain and, looking up at the Wellington monument, I noticed that the iron...
My next memory is in the afternoon - a large crowd had gathered outside the Town Hall - loudspeakers had...
At the end of 1944 Beryl Andrews was 19 and was pursuing her career as an actress at the 'Theatre...
The passage describes the transfer of the German Surrender Team from Montgomery's HQ at Lunerberg...
My memories of the end of the War in Europe come before V.E. Day, in fact it was May 5th the day...
The passage describes the transfer of the German Surrender Team from Montgomery's HQ at Lunerberg...
With some friends from the office, including the boss and his wife, we all rushed down to the centre of...
At Cloushall in the Hertzberg Mountains we lived in barracks where Hitler Youth were trained. Just outside...
Many reasons, but nevertheless there was still celebrations in Trowbridge with our dear friend Albert...
The tram cars in Hope Street were filled with servicemen of all nationalities - American, Canadian,...
We called it 'Joe's bus' after the man who drove it. My cousin and I decided to go to Ramsay on...
As a result I went on a course at an Army Education College at Bamber Bridge, near Preston... On VE-day we...
The crackle of the headphones soon drew a small crowd around the tank and we all listened in amazement to...
After the collapse of Germany, our Mine Sweeping Flotilla 159 was sent to make sure that the sea lanes...
In the Boys’ Brigade you were never on parade, You had to have your morning cup of tea, How did you...
The people sang the people danced They threw wood on the fire And many children saw entranced That scene,...