I started my apprenticeship in the summer of 1942 in a shipyard in the London docks. In Hyde Park there was...
My main R.A.F. existence was with 160 Squadron at Sigiriya and we were laying mines all around Java,...
Eric Archer was devastated as he was very much in love with Muriel, but Muriel's feelings went very...
Rationed balancer meal was obtained from the Ministry of Food office in Millmead, Guildford. The Ministry...
There had been a very frightening moment too, when Mum had opened the front door to see a telegraph boy...
Of our class sitting along the benches in the gloom trying to do lesions and dashing across to the canteen...
We lived in Frances Street, Woolwich, close to the Britannia public house, situated at the junction with...
My uncle, aunt and two cousins set out in his car and my mother, father, brother and I in ours and we...
All the celebrations that were being planned to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the end of World War II...
The siren in Leominster was at the rear of Woolworths, and my bedroom window was within yards of it. I went...
The shelter had its own distinctive atmosphere; a mixture of candlewax and the dank smell of earth.I can...
Then there was the walk to the shops with Mum, brother and myself. My brother and I were told that...
During the war years I lived in Thirlmere Gardens between the Antrim and Cavehill roads in Belfast. Apart...
It was a day or two after V-E day, but the crowds were like moths around the lights—great masses of...
A German submarine had sailed into the Port of London to surrender. There was a large P.O.W. camp for...
Dennis saw much of london from the buses that continued to run throughout the bombing. Once the scaristan...
The other nurse was a London girl and her name was Jean. It was 1944 and the incendiary and other bombs had...
The other nurse was a London girl and her name was Jean. It was 1944 and the incendiary and other bombs had...
Lived in Blackmenstone a farm near Newchurch Romney Marsh Kent. One Sunday morning a German plane came down...
The other nurse was a London girl and her name was Jean. It was 1944 and the incendiary and other bombs had...
There were long tables set up down the middle of the street, and everything you could have wished for was...
Four went to Bletchley Park and the other three including myself went to Dunstable. The Met Office closed...