I joined the F.A.A. 31st May 1939, as an air mechanic.My mechincal course was done with the R.A.F. at Locking, Western-Super-Mare. After completing my course, I was drafted to 771Sqdn.stationed at Kirkwall in the Orkney Islands.we had various types of a/c, the main job,was target towing for Navy and Army gunners for practice. we also had two Maryland twin engine, light fighter bombers,they were American a/c. One day it was discovered the Bismark was in Norway, After a panic and work, one these a/c was fully armed, and off to find the ship and attack it, how ever, on arrival the ship had vanished, they dropped the bombs and returnd to Hatson. The pilot was Lt.Godard, the navigator wasCdr.Rotherham. and two air gunners,we were told three of the four were awarded medals,why not the four, we never knew.
Carrying on from my previous entry, after leaving Hatson I was drafted to join 835Sqdn.just being formed at Eastliegh,Feb;1942. We then went to Jamacia, We were equiped with six sword fish a/c. The a/c crews did their training, in preparation to board an a/c carrier and escort it back to the U.K.Then came the time to leave to board the ship, which we were told was H.M.S.Furious, she had been at Norfolk,Virginia, having a refit, as this was along trip, some maintance crew had to fly, here,I was lucky and flew. this turned out to be a very nice trip.We had avery nice night out in Havanna,two nights in Miami. and one in Fayetville,then to the ship.We did speed trials down to Bermuda,and spent Easter week-end there, and left on the Tuesday. On the trip back we hit a very violent storm,we had quite a number of American A/c, bringing them for over here, despite being tightly lashed down quite a few were damaged, and of course alot of other stuff as well, crockery etc.however we all arrived back safe and sound. After this the sqdn. remained around the U.K.and on one or two carriers,we spent quite a time at Machrihanish where we had rocket launchers fitted to the underside of the Swordfish wings. this meant a long time firing on the firing range.On one occassion I went as passenger. We took off, the next thing I knew,we were landing in a field, not the airfield, we finished up about three feet from a deep ditch, lady luck was on my side. During my time with 835, I was rated acting Petty Officer,and then drafted to Lee-On-Solent to do the Petty Officers Course.
After completeting and the Petty Ofticers course, I was sent R.N.A.S. Arbthroath,within a few weeks I was sent to R.N.A.S. Stretton, H.M.S.Blackcap.to a salvage unit. We went out salvaging crashed a/c. over the Midlands,after a few pleasent months here I was on draft out to Ceylon, we never arrived, they closed the air station, we carried on to Egypt, and disembarked at SUEZ,and spent two months in Ismalhia, then on to Malta, where, as I said, spent two and a half years,with my wife and niece, a wonderfull time.after a nice long leave,I spent more time at R.N.A.S Culham,in Air maintaince control office, Then down to R.N.A.S.Culdrose, here I stayed for twelve months.Then after twelve &a half years I left the navy, but I did five years in the R.N.R.