My name is Amanda Tarrant (nee Poles). My paternal Grandfather, Major William Eustace Poles, was awarded the Military Cross for his services in Burma during the second world war.
I found a book owned by him which he bought in 1979, entitled 'Desperate Journey' written by Francis Clifford. When the Japanese invaded Burma in 1942, the British troops had to find their way to safety and this involved a nine hundred mile journey of misery. The book tells the story of a smaller group of Karen tribesmen, led by Arthur Thompson who made their own 'desperate journey' through the wilderness which separates Burma from China.
My grandfather made a similar journey from the Chin and Naga hills overlooking the Kabaw Valley. He was in 'P' force 136, Ferret Group. I am trying to do some research to flesh out his story and I would welcome any information.