Hallo, I'm Carey one of the Writing Buddies here on the WW2 site.
I read over stories in the Editorial Desk and the Writing Workshop and will offer helpful writing suggestions to the contributors, or ask questions because we would like to know more about a particular aspect of your story!
Please do not wait for me to contact you; anyone is welcome to leave me or any of the other Writing Buddies on the site a message here if you would like to write a story about your experiences and aren't quite sure how to start.
My own interest in the War is twofold: My own parents and family experience in the war, and also I hold a Ph D in history, and am passionate about preserving the past.
My mum was just a young girl through the war years; all three of her brothers were in service. My dad was on a supply ship in the Mediterranean in the last two years of the war -- even though it was verboten, he took many, many photographs (for example, of scuttled ships in the French harbours), and kept a diary. I would hope to be able to publish his papers as a small book some day, much like the book, 'Pacific War Diary.'
As an historian, I have always prefered the primary sources, the letters, poems, writings, all the little bits people left behind of themselves -- far more interesting that a pocketful of scholars sitting in a stuffy room arguing with each other. My dissertation work was a translation of a Latin mediaeval biography; to me, being able to translate something like that is to bring the author and his subject back to life, to let him speak again. Whilst I enjoy writing original works (I have kept a diary for over 25 years!), I also enjoy 'stepping into the background' as a translator and editor, and helping people relate their stories in the best way that they are able.
Although I am a mediaevalist, I have an interest in those who are still alive to remember the Great War, and of course my parents' generation, as they, too, are growing old. Their stories and memories are of such value, and must be preserved before they are lost to time and dust...I wonder if my frustration at the gaps that exist in the mediaeval record has influenced my interest in keeping a diary, scrapbooks, travel diaries, photo albums...of nagging my mum and family for their stories...
As for myself, I am currently living in the States with 4 dogs, 3 cats, and 3 elderly but nice sheep. I am a textile artist, and spin and weave my own wool amongst other things! I also give tuition in classical guitar, and I enjoy translating German, French, and Latin texts -- as much fun as crosswords, really. I try to come back to the UK twice a year and stop mainly in London, but do manage to travel a bit, and usually in the spring go visit my auntie in Blairgowrie. Oh yes, and I am an Arsenal supporter.