I lived in Tooting at the beginging of the War and was evacuated down to Goring on sea for 2 years. Mum&Dad visited me and my brother most weekends. We both got very home sick so they brought us home again.We used to go down the Anderson shelter when the siren went, you could hear the bombs dropping and exploding, our house was next to a railway line and apparently Gerry thought it was major line. In fact it runs up to Holborn. The houses on the otherside of the road were slightly damaged by an Arial Torpedo type bomb. The station at the top of the road had a Landmine dropped near it luckely the parachute got snagged up on some railings and it didnt go off. apparently there was a Bomb Disposal chap home on leave from the Navy who deffused it.Thank God otherwise we wouldnt have been here today to tell our tale