1940 I was evacuated to Stonnal Staffordshire with other children from Holy Trinity School Margate. I and Ray were billeted with Mr & Mrs Gunn. We called them Uncle Frank & Auntie Josie.
I passed a scholarship for Chatham House School, that meant that I had to move to Uttoxeter.
I would like to know anyone that was at either of these places.
In 1943 (Christmas) I was ill with Rheumatic Fever, this curtailed my education at Chatham House School, or any other for at least five months.
I returned to Margate and attended St Johns School, in 1944 leaveing in 1945 and starting work in July. As an electrician, joined the RAF 1949 did five years and four reserve. Married in 1975, have two children a boy and a girl.
Some of the things that I remember during the war were, the time in 1944 when the Gliders were going over in droves, one became detatched and landed up by the Wheatsheaf Inn, it landed on the old tramtrack, I went up to see it, and was there when a DC3. Came to retreave it, this was done by those on the ground erecting two poles with the gliders tow rope looped across, then the 'Tow plane' flew at zero hight just missing the trees that were very close, and hooking the stranded glider up, up and away! for a 13 year old boy this was great, and something to brag about to schoolmates who hadn't seen it, as there were only a few people there at the time!
Another time was when a blast bomb landed on top of my friends air raid shelter, the fact that they always used it every night, it was only a miracle they were not killed this night because of the fact that my mate had a cold, so they all stayed with him in their Morison Shelter in the front room of their house, and when they came out they found that the back of their house was blown away, and that there was nothing left of their Anderson shelter.
If anyone would like to contact me please leave a message on the 'Evacuee website message page'
or here on the message board.