I was born in Hull in 1933.,the middle daughter of a potato merchant. We had a small business and ware house on King Georges dock. In my brief tale of the war in Hull,I feel that I did'nt give the essence of what it was like then and how I feel it overshadowed the rest of my life. I
t was years before I could listen to the sound of an air raid siren without feeling a cold shiver run down my spine. The bombing seemed never ending, night after night in constant fear that we would never see the morning.The feeling of hunger was also very strong, as I remarked in my story, when I married and went to live in Germany for 2 yrs, my biggest shock was the amount of food that they had and such luxuries as real cream, something which I not seen but only heard of.
We were lucky to have family in the village of Melbourne,when my daughter was born in the sixties, she was the 5th generation to live there.
I married an RAF policeman , named Exley and was posted to Germany, Cyprus and many places in England before settling down in the east riding once more.