Almost on the day after the war ended in Europe I and other musicians who had been playing with the 8th Armoured Brigade band (once in Nimegen while the town was still being shelled)were ordered to assemble at Bremen to rehearse prior to taking up our assigned task of entertaining the troops.
I was in the Medical Corps and my last duty was extricating the emaciated political prisoners from the typhus compound of Sandbostel Camp, not far from Belsen and just as grisly.
The band was in great demand, particular when the Non-frat ban was relaxed. I played guitar and vocalised till the day of my demob and I am sure that my musical contribution compensated for my deficiences as a soldier. We had about one free day a month and travelled about the British zone mostly in the back of a truck, often over snowbound roads and more than once in the early hours of the morning with a drunken driver who could not find his way back to our billet in Hanover. We were in more danger then than while the shells were flying.