I was brought up in Portsmouth during the blitz too young to be evacuated. I remember my little siren suit that I seemed sometimes to be in and out of all night. I also learned to count to ten at an early age when V rockets came over. The engine would cut out and we would count and if we were still there, it had landed else where. The morning after a raid, my mother would get on her bike and ride round the relatives to check everyone was O.K. My father was in the Navy and I didn't see him till I was 6 and I really feel we never ever made up for lost years and I am sure many war babys feel that way.
News that a shop that sold pet meat had a delivery used to cause a stir and I remember queing with my grandmother to buy some of this emerald green painted meat.Only the skin was painted and she used to tell me it was a cow that had fallen and broken it's leg. All I know was that it tasted good but I was always afraid I'd find the bullet. I guess we weren't so bothered about food hygeine in those days.