I am an ex regular soldier. I enlisted into the
Assault Pioneers in March 1944 in Belfast, northern Ireland. I was born in Dublin,Irish Republic in 1924, I was posted to no 12 Training depot of the Assault Pioneers at Prestatyn, North Wales. I underwent two PNCo,s courses.In March of 1944. I was posted to assembly wing of the Assault Pioneers and placed on the Draft for overseas. I never knew it was to be for the Normandy Landings, But I soon found out about that later on. I returned to the Depot in September that year (after three months), and
posted to a Mobilised Assault Pioneer Unit,
again for overseas training for the far east. We moved out overnigh in the summer of 1945 and arrived at an unknown destination in the scottish Highlands known as Dalmally for train-ing with 22 Beach Brigade,Combined Operations on the shores of Louch Fyne, Inverary,
Argyll-shire, for the intended Invasion of the Japanese Mainland, but the Force was stood down when the usa dropped the atom bombs on the Two Japanese Cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but that is another story!
I signed on with the Assault Pioneers for 3 short term engagements until Sept 1952 when I transfered into the Army Emergency Reseerve( Again to the Assault Pioneers.
I then transferred to the RAMC(AER).
I also served in the Kent Army Cadet force as a platoon Commander for three years until I resigned! After so many years wartime and peacetime service (27 years in all,) I then called it a day!
Canterbury unit, which was Badged to the I st
Battalion the Queens Regiment. I am still trying to trace members of 22 Beach Brigade, and units that were involve with it for the intended invasion of Japan, including Members of the two PIoneer Beach Groups which were part of the Force.