My name is Andrew Guthire and my Uncle was on a minesweeper H.M.S. 1048 during thr War, his ship was invovled in the Allied landings in Normandy.
John and his party of men went ashore at Cherboury to clear mines.
They cleared the breackwater of hundreds, enabling the landing to go ahead successfully.
On September 29, 1945, John received the notification he was to be awarded the Croix de Guerre by the Free French authorities for his courage.
But John a quiet unassuming man, did not claim his medal.
And returned to his native Dunure in Scotland, and went back to the sea as a fisherman.
but 29 ago his skipper Bert Andrews, wrote to the British Embassy in Paris, and John Guthrie's medal arrived through the post,31 years after he won it.