Happiness is not a word that springs to mind when I think about my evacuation. One week after the war started, at the age of eight, I was sent to a Quaker family in Blagdon south of Bristol, wher I stayed for three and a half years. During that time I saw my mother for two half days. I was bullied at school for living with a conciencious objector and the headmaster enjoyed caning evacuees.
My story has just been published by an on-line publisher, Bewrite Publishers, in a 400 page book "A Stranger and Afraid" by Arthur Allwright. If you log onto www.bewrite.net you can read part of it.
Gradually, I grew to enjoy the countryside and I still think that Blagdon is the most beautiful village. I have returned there several times and talked to the schoolchildren about the school in 1939.