I have written about my family in Bootle, Liverpool.There are six Chapters entitled 'World War 11.Memories of 1939-1945 in and around Bootle,Liverpool.' My article is really a tribute to my Parents and to their individual struggle through the war years.
Millions of other families across the world would have had their own stories, some far more harrowing and with terrible consequences for them. We appreciate that we have been more fortunate and that it is all the more reason to remember those who gave their lives for our freedom.
Having written the article a little while ago I have also realised it shows the individuality of the experience for my Parents, brothers and myself. We all had our own experiences as we were separated from our Parents and each other. After separation over the five years, our Parents had to start all over again. We children had to get to know our own home and family, particularly, to get to know my Father whom we had not seen for nearly all of those five years. Being younger than my brothers I had not a very clear memory of him and when he returned I was seven years old.
Somehow my Parents brought everything together in a remarkable way for which my brothers and I will always be grateful.