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Out - East: Monday October 17, 2005 |  | PAKISTAN EARTHQUAKE
SPECIAL | Desperate for food, shelter and water - earthquake survivors |
We look at the trauma faced by the families in East England with
no news about loved ones caught up in the South Asia earthquake. In
the aftermath of the October 8 earthquake disaster, money is desperately needed
to help the victims of the crisis and those still living in the worst-hit areas
of Pakistan get back on their feet. KEY CONTACTS |
The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC)
DEC Asia Quake
Appeal, PO Box 999, London, EC3A 3AA. 0207 436 6000 - donation enquiries.
High Commission of Pakistan Helpline - 07946 476 616 / 020 7664 9284
Committee of the Red Cross Missing persons tracing team - 0845 053 2004
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 020 7008 0000.
Samaritans Support to anyone in emotional distress. 08457 90 90 90 (UK)
We look at how families in the region are responding
to the disaster, and how they are coping with their fears about relatives missing
in the aftermath of the earthquake. Links relating to this story: |  |
Inside Out Archive | Inside Out: East View our story archive to see articles from previous series. |  |
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