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听听Inside Out - North West: Friday February 2, 2007
Carjacking reconstruction
"It changed everything... the innocence of my children."
Gail Simpson
Carjacking reconstruction


Cars are now more secure than they've ever been - and vehicle thefts have fallen by about 11 per cent in the last few years.

Factory fitted alarms, immobilisers and deadlocks mean cars are now much harder to steal.

But there's still one weak spot - carjacking.

Hijacking is on the increase according to every motoring organisation.

Thieves now understand that compared to the time and risk involved in hot wiring a car, getting the key is much simpler.

And the easiest target is the driver...

Victims of carjacking

Matt Smith is a 16 stone, six foot three tall flanker with Sedgely Park Rugby Club and he's used to physical aggression.

But he wasn't prepared for what happened on the night he stopped outside a friend's house in his brand new car.

Carjacking reconstruction
Risk of attack - carjacking can happen to anybody

He was the victim of carjackers who attacked him so they could steal his vehicle.

Matt needed 22 stitches to his wounds - but no one has ever been arrested.

There was nothing Gail Simpson could do either when her car was taken - with her children still inside.

As they returned home from a swimming gala, her daughters - aged 10 and 13 - stayed in the car as Gail went to open her garage.

Gail and her daughters escaped with a few cuts and bruises - the car jacker has never been caught.

But the mental scars of that evening remain with them.

World wide problem

Car jacking is a world wide problem - and measures to tackle the issue are now being developed.

Inside Out visited a remote Ministry of Defence air base where one company is using hostile environment training to teach government agency drivers how to deal with it.

ArmorGroup uses former Special Forces personnel, including the SAS, to show drivers how to recognise threats - and how to respond to them.

Training session
Top advice - learning how to deal with the carjackers

Inside Out went on the course to learn some evasive driving tips.

The ex-Special Forces trainers explain how you should keep your windows and doors closed if you're suspicious.

But it's still all too easy to lose your vehicle, especially if you let down your guard.

Technology could be one solution to dealing with car jackers.

A will soon be launching a device which will disable a car's engine if it doesn't stay within a few feet of a small transmitter, like a keyfob, which the owner holds.

If the car's taken without the transmitter, the car will start to slow, acting as a disincentive to potential carjackers.

As well as technology, the best piece of advice is to be extra vigilant when driving - lock the doors, close windows and be alert.

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Don't be a victim - carjacking tips

Carjacker reconstruction
Avoid being a victim of carjacking - read our top tips

Here are some tips on how to avoid becoming a victim of carjacking.

Before setting off on a car journey think about your personal safety and how you might deal with any risk of carjacking.

Then take note of the guidance tips which follow:

General Tips

Lock the doors - close windows - and be alert.

In urban areas always drive with your car doors locked and windows closed.

Be extra vigilant in the following areas - traffic lights,
car parks, shopping centres, self-serve petrol stations, around cash machines, and driveways outside your house.

Make it your routine to always start your car and drive away immediately.

Don't leave your keys in the ignition if you get out of your car. Never leave valuables such as wallets and mobile phones on view inside the vehicle.

If you stop in traffic, leave room to manoeuvre and escape, if necessary.

If you are bumped in traffic by young males, be suspicious of the accident.

Call the police immediately to report a carjacking attack and provide full details.

Take pre-emptive measures - think about buying the technology mentioned above.

Car parking

Always park in well-lit areas at night time.

Don't park in isolated or visually obstructed areas by walls or heavy foliage.

As you walk to your car be alert to suspicious persons sitting in cars or standing around loitering.

If someone tries to approach, change direction or run to a busy area.

If safe, open the car door, enter quickly, and lock the doors.

Loading your car

Don't make yourself a target by turning your back while loading packages into your car.

Avoid loading your car in badly lit, quiet, dark areas where there are no people around.

Personal safety

If confronted by an armed car-jacker don't resist - give up your keys or money if demanded without resistance.

Don't argue, fight or chase the robber - you could be seriously injured or assaulted.

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