Surfs up
Surfing UK - Kaddy-Lee Preston takes to the seas |
The coastline in the South East is amongst the most spectacular in Britain.
But did you know it has something in common with the South Pacific or
To find out you have to look no further than the surfers of the South
From the island of Hawaii to the Isle of Thanet, from Surf City to the
City of Brighton - the sport of surfing is alive and well in an unlikely
corner of the world - the South East of England.
To find out why, Inside Out visits two of the best places for surfing
on our coast - Brighton in East Sussex and Margate in Kent.
Wave riders
Inside Out talks to the South East's men (and women!) in rubber to find
out all about the surf scene of this part of the world.
For the surfers riding the big waves gives them a great buzz. We spoke
to one surfer who stays in the water six hours some days
The tide is right - surfers rush for the waves |
It's an addictive sport and, once hooked, the surfers are constantly
on the look out for the perfect wave.
Despite the forbidding English weather the surf scene in the South East
has been flourishing for several decades.
The East Kent Surf Club was born in 1968, and one of the first people
ever to surf in Kent was Paul Knowles who recalls his earliest memories
of the local surf scene:
"I got into the Beach Boys... The LP had a hot rod and surf board
on the front. I thought I've got to try that."
Forty years later, Paul is still a keen surfer.
Growth sport
No one has counted the exact number of surfers on the Kent coast but
regulars say that you just have to look around to see that the sport has
grown enormously in recent years.
But it's not just Kent where they're waxing up their boards. Over in
Brighton, they're also hitting the surf.
Kaddy meets Kent's veteran surfers (Paul Knowles centre) |
Some surfers there take things to the extreme.
In fact many in this part of Sussex are lucky to get away without serious
The sport can be very dangerous. Some surfers surf near the wall and
According to one surfer called Jock Paterson, it's "dangerous but
the surf's better here. That's what were looking for - fun and games.
"Boards get damaged, people get damaged, but we love it."
Some surfers do take risks. One of the dangers is getting washed onto
the pier or the wall.
But the regular surfers have the following advice - don't try anything
difficult until you're experienced.
"The thing is, I've been surfing for 35 years. I know what I'm
doing", says Jock.
First steps
Getting expert advice is crucial if you're starting out as a beginner.
Sound instruction - Dave Melmoth is an expert surfer
We follow Inside Out's Kaddy Lee-Preston as she takes to the waves in
her first lesson.
Her surfing teacher is Dave Melmoth - he's also the Joss Bay lifeguard
and he works in Margate for nine months of the year.
Within an hour Kaddy was surfing 聟 just!
Brighton - life's a beach
Surfing began in Kent during the 1960s. But in Brighton it's much older
than that..
Surf historians will tell you the tale of Princess Victoria Ka'iulani,
the second in line to the throne of Hawaii.
She came to England in the 19th century to finish her education, and
lived in Brighton.
Surfing was a Hawaiian tradition so legend has it that she was the first
to surf in the English Channel in the 1890s.
If the sea was a bit chilly for the Hawaiian Princess maybe she should
have tried a bit further up the beach.
The surfers recommend a spot called Hotpipes because the water is particularly
For that they have to thank the local power station.
California dreaming?
The regular surfers are the first to admit that the South East is no
It doesn't even compare with Cornwall. But if you live in these parts
it is handy to get to.
The regulars say that once you get the hang of this the weather, conditions
make it possible to surf in the South East about once a week
If you include the Hawaiian Princess people have been surfing in the
South East for more than 100 years. And at this rate it looks like they'll
be surfing for a 100 more.
Safety notes
Surfing can be dangerous - always take proper instruction from professionals
before taking to the waters.
Ensure that you have the right kit for surfing if you're a beginner.
Check South East weather conditions and tide patterns before surfing
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