farming and food is becoming increasingly popular with both farmers
and the public. Inside
Out visited Elbury Farm in Devon which is trying to combine organic
food production with creating new wildlife habitats. Elbury
Farm forms part of the National Trust owned Killerton Estate. It's
also part of the Countryside Stewardship Scheme which helps farmers
who are trying to improve wildlife habitats. Organic
John Elbury is aiming to make his farm both organic and wildlife
friendly. Organic
farming involves the production of food using management practices
which avoid the use of agrochemical products.  | At
Elbury Farm organic farming means a better deal for wildlife
habitats |
farmers aim to build up natural fertility on the farm by the recycling
of manures and composts, and the use of rotations.
These organic techniques minimise damage to the environment and
local wildlife. This
is true at Elbury Farm which is developing itself into a wildlife
haven. John
Elbury does not use sprays, herbicides, or artificial fertiliser. The
farm's dairy herd is organic, and mixed grass is left with clover
for the cows to graze on. Eating
organic styleSo
how does organic food compare with non organic produce? Studies
show that organic food contains more vitamins, nutrients and cancer-fighting
antioxidants than non-organic. Organic
food also tastes extremely good, although this can come at a price
if you shop at a supermarket.
visited a well-known supermarket and compared shopping baskets containing
five everyday foodstuffs. The
total bill for the organic basket was 拢20.38 whilst the
non-organic basket clocked the till at 拢17.22. However,
there is a much cheaper option than supermarket shopping. Many
people in the South West get their organic vegetables through box
schemes. These
schemes are not just cheaper than supermarket organic food, they
are often less expensive than the cheapest foodstuffs available
in the supermarket! Wildlife
farming also helps to sustain soil health and fertility.  | Organic
farming is kinder to insects |
enhances landscape, wildlife and wildlife habitats.
Organic systems work in harmony with nature, and keep harmful chemicals
out of the natural cycle. At
Elbury Farm, the farmer's care for the edges of the field means
that they are becoming a rich wildlife resource. Elbury
Farm has a rich variety of birds, flowers and insects. The
lack of insecticides encourages insect food for birds.
Traditional birds such as linnets and swallows are encouraged by
the abundance of insects and natural seeds.  | The
linnet has been hit hard by intensive farming |
more people embrace organic food and farming, it's worth recalling
the Prince of Wales' recent statement. "Organic
farming delivers the highest quality, best tasting food...with respect
for the environment, while helping to maintain the landscape and
rural communities." We'll
be checking out progress at Elbury Farm on the Inside Out web site
over the next few months.
the meantime, why not compare organic and non-organic food for yourself? |