Andy's Wild Adventures - Series 1: 15. Monarch Butterflies
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Series 2 Episodes
- 1. OrangutansAndy and Kip visit the rainy jungles of Borneo to watch orangutans.14 mins
- 2. Giant TortoisesAndy and Kip head to the Galapagos Islands in South America in search of giant tortoises.14 mins
- 3. MarsupialsAndy and Kip embark on another wild adventure in search of animals that live in Australia.14 mins
- 4. TigersAndy and Kip travel to India on a mission to get up close to tigers.14 mins
- 5. OttersAndy and Kip embark on another wild adventure to see otters in Yellowstone National Park.14 mins
- 6. ChimpanzeesAndy and Kip head to the jungles of Africa in search of chimpanzees.14 mins
- 7. Mandarin DucksAndy and Kip embark on another wild adventure to see mandarin ducks in Russia.14 mins
- 8. Chacma BaboonsAndy and Kip travel to South Africa on a mission to track down some chacma baboons.14 mins
- 9. ChameleonsAndy and Kip visit Tanzania in Africa in search of the Jackson's chameleon.14 mins
- 10. Polar BearsAndy and Kip embark on a wild adventure to the frozen Arctic in search of polar bears.14 mins
- 11. LemursAndy and Kip embark on a wild adventure to the island of Madagascar in search of lemurs.14 mins
- 12. GannetsAndy and Kip head to South Africa for a wild adventure in search of gannets.14 mins
- 13. Okavango SafariAndy and Kip embark on another wild adventure, this time to the Okavango Delta in Africa.14 mins
- 14. BowerbirdsAndy and Kip go on a wild adventure to New Guinea, home to the bowerbird.14 mins
- 15. Bull FrogsAndy and Kip see giant bullfrogs in the grassy plains of southern Africa.14 mins
- 16. Prairie DogsAndy and Kip visit the grassy plains of North America in search of prairie dogs.14 mins
- 17. Marine IguanasAndy and Kip head to the Galapagos Islands in search of marine iguanas.14 mins
- 18. HipposAndy and Kip embark on another wild adventure, this time to Africa in search of hippos.14 mins
- 19. BeaversAndy and Kip visit Yellowstone National Park in North America, home to the beaver.14 mins
- 20. CheetahsAndy and Kip visit Africa in search of the fastest land mammal in the world, the cheetah.14 mins