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Alphablocks - Series 3: 7. Frog on a Dog - Signed
Audio DescribedSign Language
Magic Words Episodes
- 1. Meet Alphablock AAlphablock A has accidents with apples and makes the magic words ant, bag and cap.1:55
- 2. Meet Alphablock BAlphablock B plays a big blue bass guitar and has fun with the words bun, bat and big.2:01
- 3. Meet Alphablock CAlphablock C cracks things and has fun with the magic words cat, cup and cot.2:34
- 4. Meet Alphablock DAlphablock D plays the drums and has fun with the magic words dog, dot and dig.2:06
- 5. Meet Alphablock EAlphablock E makes an echo and has fun with the magic words egg, pen and bed.2:09
- 6. Meet Alphablock FAlphablock F has fun flying around and makes the magic words fun, fan and fit.2:07
- 7. Meet Alphablock GAlphablock G goes glug-glug and makes the magic words gull, gap and bug.2:15
- 8. Meet Alphablock HAlphablock H is in a hurry to make the magic words hen, hat and hug.2:11
- 9. Meet Alphablock IAlphablock I is incredibly important and makes the magic words ink, pin and bin.2:36
- 10. Meet Alphablock JAlphablocks J jumps like a jolly jaybird and makes the magic words jam, jug and jet.2:06
- 11. Meet Alphablock KAlphablock K does kicking tricks and makes the magic words kit, kiss and kick.2:22
- 12. Meet Alphablock LAlphablock L sings lovely lullabies and makes the magic words log, lid and leg.2:27
- 13. Meet Alphablock MAlphablock M goes munch-munch-munch and makes the magic words mat, mud and map.2:40
- 14. Meet Alphablock NAlphablock N says no and makes the magic words net, nut and nap.2:12
- 15. Meet Alphablock OAlphablock O is orange and makes the magic words odd, mop and hop.2:35
- 16. Meet Alphablocks PAlphablock P pops in and makes the magic words pop, pig and pet.2:18
- 17. Meet Alphablock QAlphablock Q is quiet without U but together they make the words quack, quick and quiz.2:42
- 18. Meet Alphablock RAlphablock R is ready to roar and makes the magic words run, red and rip.2:28
- 19. Meet Alphablock SAlphablock S sags, but soon she is soaring again — and makes the words sun, sit and sub.2:29
- 20. Meet Alphablock TAlphablock T tuts when he runs out of tea — and makes the magic words tap, ten and top.2:30
- 21. Meet Alphablock UAlphablock U is unlucky — and makes the magic words up, mug and tub.2:25
- 22. Meet Alphablock VAlphablock V likes to vroom very fast and makes the magic words van, vet and vat.2:28
- 23. Meet Alphablock WAlphablock W weeps wet, watery tears and makes the magic words wig, wet and web.2:34
- 24. Meet Alphablock XAlphablock X has x-ray eyes and makes the magic words fix, box and mix.2:27
- 25. Meet Alphablock YAlphablock Y says yes, yay and yippee and makes the magic words yes, yak and yum.2:37
- 26. Meet Alphablock ZAlphablock Z says zzzzz — and makes the magic words zip, zap and zigzag.3 mins