Maddie's Do You Know? - Series 1: Lock and Key and Glass
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Series 2 Episodes
- Shipping Container and Bubble PackagingMaddie learns how shipping containers are moved around and how bubble packaging is made.14 mins
- Umbrella and CarwashMaddie learns how car washes work and visits a factory to see how umbrellas are made.14 mins
- Ice Rink and Bouncy CastleMaddie finds out how an ice rink stays cold and discovers how bouncy castles are made.14 mins
- Clock and CutleryMaddie finds out how clocks tell the time and discovers how cutlery is made.14 mins
- Opticians and GlassesMaddie visits an optician to get her eyes tested and finds out how glasses are made.14 mins
- Sleeping Bag and MattressMaddie goes camping to find out how sleeping bags work and learns how mattresses are made.14 mins
- Canal Lock and GateMaddie shows us how canal locks work and sees a garden gate being made.14 mins
- Train Tracks and PaintMaddie learns how train tracks work and visits a factory where coloured paint is made.14 mins
- Handwash and VacuumMaddie finds out how hand wash is made and how a vacuum cleaner sucks up dirt.14 mins
- Lifeboat and ConcreteMaddie learns how a lifeboat can find people in trouble at sea and how concrete is made.14 mins
- Aeroplane and TrainersMaddie looks at how aeroplanes take off and visits a factory where trainers are made.14 mins
- Traffic Lights and Emergency LightsMaddie shows us how traffic lights work and how emergency warning lights are made.14 mins
- Hairclippers and Ballet ShoesMaddie visits a barber to see how hair clippers work and learns how ballet shoes are made.14 mins
- Playground and Plant PotMaddie learns how playground swings and slides work, then visits a plant pot factory.14 mins
- Disco Ball and Jigsaw PuzzleMaddie shows us how disco balls reflect light and learns how jigsaw puzzles are made.14 mins
- Posting a Letter and Colouring PencilsMaddie shows us how posting a letter works and learns how coloured pencils are made.14 mins
- Bubbles and ChocolateMaddie shows us how bubbles work and visits a factory where chocolates are made.14 mins
- Lift and SpacesuitMaddie learns how lifts go up and down and visits a museum to see how a spacesuit is made.14 mins
- Television and CarpetMaddie explains how TV screens work and visits a factory to see how carpet is made.14 mins
- Kite and Wind TurbineMaddie shows us how a kite works and how electricity is made using a wind turbine.14 mins
- Fish Tank and BathMaddie shows us how a fish tank works and visits a factory to see how bath tubs are made.14 mins
- Hand Dryer and Toilet RollMaddie learns how hand dryers work and goes to a factory to see toilet paper being made.14 mins
- Prosthetic Limb and Detection DogMaddie sees how prosthetic legs are made and meets a special dog that can detect nuts.14 mins
- Barcode and Fish CakeMaddie shows us how barcodes work and visits a factory to see how fishcakes are made.14 mins
- Refrigerator and MushroomsMaddie sees how a fridge works and visits a farm where mushrooms are grown all year round.14 mins