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The Dengineers - Series 4: 8. Farm Den - Signed
Audio DescribedSign Language
Series 7 Episodes
- 1. Strictly Come Dancing DenBallroom dancer Harry is a huge fan of Strictly and wants a den full of glitz and glamour.28 mins
- 2. Sausage Dog DenBea and Stanley the sausage dog need a den where they can hang out together.28 mins
- 3. Optical Illusion DenNethuni and Abheetha want a den where they can work together to create new tricks.28 mins
- 4. Shakespeare DenHistory fan Hector loves all things Shakespeare and needs a space to enjoy his plays.28 mins
- 5. Tap Dance DenAngel from London is a top tap dancer who needs a space of her own to train properly.28 mins
- 6. Orangutan DenDuncan is passionate about orangutans and wants a den where he can learn how to help them.28 mins
- 7. Science DenZoe is mad about science and wants a den where she can do noisy and messy experiments!28 mins
- 8. Rollercoaster DenKeir is a massive fan of rollercoasters and wants a den where he can design his own.28 mins
- 9. Indian Retreat DenAvanaya wants a relaxing, Indian-themed den to escape her three cricket-loving brothers.28 mins
- 10. Football Recovery DenGoalkeeper and football fan Tristan wants a den to help him recover his match fitness.28 mins
- 11. Crochet DenEmily is crazy about crochet and needs a space where she can work on her woolly wonders!28 mins
- 12. Submarine DenSea cadet Jonny wants a submarine den to celebrate his passion for naval history.28 mins
- 13. HighlightsJoe and Meryl take a look back at some of the fun moments from the series.28 mins
- 14. RevisitsJoe and Meryl take a look back at some of the amazing dens from the series.28 mins
- 15. How to Be a DIY DengineerJoe and Meryl present a masterclass on creating your own dream space.28 mins